January 13, 2012

it's official: i am the worst blogger ever. i haven't even been to my blog since last may. oops.

i'm not sure that i would be able to accurately summarize the last 8 months of our lives in a little blog post. may seems like so long ago, yet 2011 came and went so freaking fast. craig and i continue to move forward in our career paths (which keep evolving into things we had never dreamed of) and make our lives in texas.

we officially became grown ups on august 31 when we bought a house! i can't even begin to explain how great it is to have our own place. yes, it is a ton of work (which is a little draining for a lazy-butt like me), but it is so much fun. we are still getting the hang of everything we have to do and balancing taking care of it with work/church/friends/family.

we hit our 2 year anniversary of living in texas on january 2. sometimes i still can't believe that we moved from california to texas. i mean, just when you think you have your life all figured and planned out, God shows you that He has something even better in store for you - He is in control, not us. we really do love it here, but we miss california. well, really we miss the people...and disneyland.

stay tuned in the next month to see a new addition to our family. our german shephard puppy, chief, will be making his debut into the world in february and we'll be bringing him home in april. Lord help me. i am soooo not a dog person. craig and i will be outnumbered by animals in our house. tobias, coco, then chief. it's like a zoo.


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